Blog Posts

Learning from Documentaries

The Netflix documentary that I chose to watch and analyze is an episode of the series produced by Vox Media called "The Racial Wealth Gap | Explained". "The Racial Wealth Gap | Explained" by Vox Media. The major elements present in the show are recurring themes, visual representations, interviews, and repetition. All of these... Continue Reading →

Analyze Experiences

Adidas Originals Tyshawn Shoes Analyzing experiences is essential for finding new ways to improve the customer experience, providing the most reasons for them to return. When a company is selling a product, it is important to make sure that the product can appeal to the most potential customers within their target market to drive sales.... Continue Reading →

Creative Briefs

A creative brief is a short, concise, and detailed summary of a company's background and goals that they set to achieve before a campaign is launched. Creative briefs are not only limited to marketing campaigns. They can be for any creative project but it's important that outlines the strategy of the creative project and effectively... Continue Reading →

Asking Good Questions

In Chapter 6 of Twyla Tharp's The Creative Habit, she frames the process of idea generation as "scratching." In the context of developing new ideas, scratching can take many forms. It could be rummaging through old books, paying a visit to a new country, analyzing the surroundings around you, and various other ways that can... Continue Reading →

Post 1: Analyze Communication

On September 4th, 2020, one of the biggest stars in hip-hop, Travis Scott, announced the official collaboration between his music label "Cactus Jack" and the largest fast-food chain in the world, McDonald's. Social media has been buzzing from the rapper's incredibly large fan base, ever since the announcement. From September 8th - October 4th, Travis... Continue Reading →

Reflecting on my work in COM 210

What was your favorite project(s) during the semester? Please explain why. My favorite projects that I worked on would have to be the Photoshop Graphic project and the Premiere Pro video. First off, I already had a lot of prior experience working with Photoshop so it was a lot of fun being able to relearn... Continue Reading →

Story Board and Raw Footage

Storyboard for Music and Self-Expression: Narration: explain personal views on creative expression and music and how it ties into Hip-Hop. [B-Roll of my friends playing live music at an event] [Showcase my friends and all of the their different creative expressions of Hip-Hop.] [Collect video of freestyle dance & choreography.] Narration: Hidden creativity in the... Continue Reading →

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